воскресенье, 12 февраля 2017 г.

Тема: Види спорту
Мета: Активізувати лексичний матеріал теми; ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО та відпрацювати їх вживання в усному мовленні; навчити вживати дієслова play, go, do з назвами видів спорту; удосконалювати техніку читання; формувати навички діалогічного мовлення; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні, писемному мовленні; навчати учнів обґрунтовувати свою думку, порівнювати, аналізувати, робити вибір; виховувати інтерес до спорту.
Спрямованість корекційно - розвивальної роботи: формувати вміння виявляти активність, допитливість, наполегливість в опануванні мови, лексичну та орфографічну пильність; формувати культурну толерантність.
мультимедійна презентація, наочний матеріал, роздатковий матеріал (картки для індивідуальної роботи).
Тип уроку: урок здобуття нових умінь, знань та навичок.
Хід уроку:
I. Організаційний момент.
1. Привітання.
Teacher: Good morning, my dear children. I am very glad and happy to see all of you today.
II. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу.
1.Фонетична розминка.
Т: First of all, let’s train out tongues. Repeat after me, please!
 [u] – snow, football , rowing, boating.
[Ù] – hunting, summer, country, jumping
[ei] – games, skating, table tennis, physical training.
[t] – tennis, table tennis, shooting, tobogganing.
[s] – sports, skiing, ski-jumping, gymnastics.
[ Ŋ ] cheerleading, jumping, surfing, swimming, wrestling.
2.Вправа "Дешифрувальник"
Розшифруйте запис і визначте тему уроку.
Arrange the letters in the right order and you’ll get the topic of our lesson
"I  D  K  S  N   F O     S  O  R  P  T". You are quite right! There are kinds of sport.
III. Мотивація пізнавальної діяльності учнів.
1. Оголошення теми та завдань уроку.
Today we’ll talk about different kinds of sport. Today we must develop your  communicative and writing skills, train you in reading and listening comprehension; develop your  thinking, creative imagination; interactive communication; interest in sport; express your own attitude to sport; learn to speak about your favourite kind of sport;
2. Мовленнєва розминка.
a) Let's remember the words, that you known last year on this topic. Look at the screen.
1. football
2. volleyball
3. tennis
4. basketball
5. swimming
6. ice - hockey
7. horse - riding
8. golf
b) Listen to the poem "Sports".
Dear little boys and girls!
What is better than the toys?
I think we are good for all
You can swim, play basketball,
Table tennis and football,
We can jump and we can run,
And we have a lot of fun.
c) Answer my questions
Are you fond of playing football?
Do you like swimming?
Can you play tennis?
   - I like swimming. And what about you? What is your favourite sport?
d) What do you do to be healthy? What do you suggest and individual shoud do to keep fit?
Possible answers;
         - get rid of bad habits;
         - do much exercise;
         - avoid eating junk food;
         - eat vitamins;
         - go in for sports.
e) T: Answer the following questions filling in the spidergrame.

Why do people go in
for sport?

To be disciplined

To be fit

For enjoyment

To keep body slim

Why do many people go in for sport?
(- helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their activities)
ІV. Let’s relax and do physical exercises.
V. Сприйняття і засвоєння нового навчального матеріалу.
1. Вправа "Пазли". Прийом "Навчаючись вчу".
You have got puzzles. You must combination the parts of the whole and name different kinds of sports. Than show  your work each other.
2. Вправа на розвиток слухових навичок "Назви за описом".
You have worked well, and we should continue our event.

Give one word for the following definitions.
1. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket.(basketball)
2. A game that you play on board.(chess)
3. A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.(ice- hockey)
4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on the table. (table -tennis)
5. An English popular game.(football)
6. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc. (athletics)
3. Індивідуальна диференційна робота за картками, запис в зошиті.
I prepared the task for different pupils. Some should put  the letters on these cards in the correct order and make up words.
cehyko, nsyimgatcs, hghi mupj, igefncn, tsgakin, rehso inrigd.
hockey, gymnastics, high jump; fencing, skating, horse riding.
Other should look at the pictures and write the missing letters.
r_w_ng, g_ _nas_ics, f_o_b_ _l; h_n_b_ll, _en_i__, g_l_; c_cl_ _g,
s_ _mmi_g, _ig_re sk_ting; a_h_ _tics, s_ _ing, ba_k_tb_ll.
Another pupils work with me.
I’ve got cleats and a ball. What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got a net and a ball . What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got a racket and a ball. What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got trainers and  a ball . What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got a stick and a puck. What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got trunks,swimsuit and goggles. What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got saddles. What’s my favourite sport?
I’ve got a niblick and a ball. What’s my favourite sport?
4.Пояснення граматичного матеріалу.
 a) We use “play” with any competitive game. It can also be used next to sports whose name is not also the verb (e.g. play tennis). 
PLAY: tennis, golf, football, basketball, chess, etc.
We use “do” with any sport that is more of a physical activity. It is used for recreational activities.
DO: yoga, judo, athletics, gymnastics, etc.

We use “go” with any activities you can do alone. It is also used with sports that end in –ing (i.e. sports whose name is also the verb / gerund).
     GO: swimming, cycling, dancing, surfing, sailing, etc.
b) Say play (clap), go (stump), or do (hop)
_____ tennis         ______  athletics      ______football
_____ karate    ______ volleyball    ______fishing
_____ jogging      ______ aerobics       ______skiing
c) Insert the right verb.
Mary and John _______ sailing every year. They also love to _______ golf. Sometimes their friends ask them to _______ cycling, but they don’t like that. They prefer to _______ horse-riding. John also _______ ice-hockey and Mary loves to _______ dancing. In the summer they _______ swimming a lot. John and his friends all _______ basketball, but Mary prefers to _______ yoga. When she was young Mary _______ gymnastics and John _______ athletics. When it is raining Mary and John like to _______ chess. But in winter they always _______ skiing. In spring John likes to _______ fencing and Mary likes to _______ karate. Mary especially likes to _______ aerobics to keep fit.
5. Розвиток умінь мовлення
T: Why is sport so popular? Let’s sum up the information about sport we have discussed and draw a conclusion. Pull yourself together; the finishing line is not far.
S1: People all over the world are fond of sport. That’s why it’s one of the things which unites people. Every morning all the year round people do their morning exercises. Television programmes about sport are very popular.
S2: Sport helps people remain healthy. It makes them disciplined in their daily activities. There are different kinds of sport: summer and winter, indoor and outdoor.
6. And now let’s play game “Hurry up”.
I’ll divide you into two groups. On one side of the blackboard I wrote a list of familiar words for team A, and on the other one for team B. I’ll call out one of the word and the number of each team runs to the blackboard to cross out that word on your team’s side of the blackboard. Who’ll be quicker?

1. wrestling                                                                       1. fencing
2. gymnastics                                                                    2. chess
3. figure skating                                                                3. football
4. chess                                                                             4. wrestling
5. fencing                                                                          5. gymnastics
6. skiing                                                                            6. swimming
7. cycling                                                                          7. figure skating
8. skating                                                                          8. cycling
9. swimming                                                                     9. skiing
10.football                                                                              10. skating
V. Заключна частина уроку.
1. HOMEWORK:  Make a project “My favourite kind of sport”.
2.  Підведення підсумків уроку
T: Different people spend their free time in different ways. Some like traveling, reading books, some listening to music, some enjoys going to the theater and concerts. A lot of people in our country spend too much time watching TV and not enough time taking exercise. How fit are you? Do you exercise more than three times a week? Do you think sport plays an important role in our life? Why do many people go in for sport? (- helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their activities) What sports and games do you prefer? Why?
The lesson is over. Good - bye!

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