понедельник, 27 марта 2017 г.

Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Подорож до Великобританії"

Тема: “Travelling around Great Britain”
Навчальна – розширити словниковий запас, практикувати вміння на слух сприймати іноземну мову та швидко давати відповіді, перевірити знання з теми.
Розвиваюча – розвиток монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, вміння працювати в групах, уваги та логічного мислення.
Виховна – виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу та пошану до країни, мову якої вивчаємо, повагу до один одного та суперників.
Обладнання: карта Великобританії, ілюстрації до теми, мультимедійна презентація, картки з завданнями.
Форма проведення: урок-інтелектуальна гра.
Хід уроку:
І. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення:
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls and our guests! We are very glad to see you at our game!
T.: Today we’ll have an unusual lesson –the competition “Travelling around …”. . Today I invite you to visit one of the most famous cities of Europe.
You should guess the country. There are several prompts which will help you.


Guess the cryptogram, using the English alphabet.

_  _  _ _  _     _  _  _  _  _ _  _
7 18 5 1 20    2 18 9 20 1 9 14
So, it is Great Britain.
  • Well, at our today’s lesson you’ll have a chance to get closer because we’ll make a trip. You are young geographers. You’ve got a strong desire to make around-the- world tour to the countries where English is spoken.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
Teacher: The competition consists of several tasks. The 1st task is to answer the questions about Great Britain. If your answer is correct the team will get one point. If your answer is wrong the second team will be allowed to give the answer. After listening to the question the members of the team can consult with each other for 10 seconds. What do you know about London? Let's check your knowledge in Geography and Culture.
1st Round. Вправа "Незакінчене речення"
1. The capital of Great Britain is ....    (London)
2. London situated on ... (Thames)
3. The official name of Great Britain is ... (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK))
4. The UK washed by ....   (The Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the English Channel)
5. Great Britain consist of ....  (Four parts. England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland)
6. The highest mountain in Great Britain is....  (Ben Nevis)
7. The longest river in Great Britain is ....  (The Severn)
8. The famous English drinking is .... (Tea)
9. A popular name of the London Underground is .... (Tube)
10.  The name of a lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives .... (Loch ness)
Look at the map of Great Britain. Name the parts of the UK.  Do you know some interesting facts about Great Britain?
1. The capital of Scotland is .... (Edinburg)
2. The capital of Northern Ireland is .... (Belfast)
3. The capital of Wales is ....(Cardiff)
4. The capital of England is .... (London)
5. The flower symbol of Scotland is ... (the thistle).
6. The flower symbol of Wales is ....  (The daffodil)
7. The flower symbol of  England is ....  (The rose)
8. The flower symbol of  Northern Ireland is .... (the shamrock).
9.  London consist of ..... parts. What are they?
     (Four parts. The City, the East End, the West End and Westminster)
10. What islands form a group of the British Isles?
   (Two large islands Great Britain and Ireland and many smaller ones)
11. What is the anthem of the country?
   (“God Save the Queen”)
12.   How many bridges are there over the Thames in London? (27)
2nd Round
Teacher: The next task for you: listen to interesting facts about places of interest. Great Britain is a big country, which has a lot of different places of interest. It is a famous for its monuments, well known building and other sights. I present you some places of interest in London.
1. Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in honour of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square.
2. Its official name is the Palace of Westminster. Most of the building was built in 1840 after the fire of 1834 destroyed the old palace. It is the most famous building in the world. THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT
3. At the north end of the Houses of Parliament, by Westminster Bridge, there is the famous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really the name of the bell in the tower, not of the clock. It is the symbol of London.
4. It is situated in Westminster, the governmental part of London. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and painters are buried there. Westminster Abbey.
5. It was built between 1895 and 1903. This is the seat of the Cardinal Archbishop and the leading Roman Catholic Church in England. Its bell tower is 84 metres high. Westminster Cathedral.
6. It’s the London’s oldest building. This castle has been a Royal palace, a prison, a place  of execution, a zoo, the Royal Mint and   an observatory. Today it is a museum and  houses the Crown Jewels. THE TOWER OF LONDON.
7. The most famous bridge in London is a Tower bridge. Construction of the bridge started in 1886 and took 8 years. Two massive piers support the construction. Victorian gothic style of the façade makes the bridge distinctive.
8. It is the most striking ancient building of London and the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married here  in 1981. ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL.
9. This is the Queen’s home. It was built in 1703. There is a great collection of paintings there. BUCKINGHAM PALACE.
10. This museum displays waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and other celebrities. MADAME TUSSAUDS.
11. The National Gallery is an art museum in Trafalgar Square. It houses a collection of over 2,300 paintings from the middle of the 13th century to 1900.
12. It is one of the world's greatest museums of human history and culture. Its collection consists of about eight million works. THE BRITISH MUSEUM.
13. This is the Globe Theatre, a modern reconstruction of the theatre, named "Shakespeare's Globe", was opened in 1997.
14. It is a giant wheel situated on the bank of the River Thames. The structure is 135 metres  tall and the diameter is 120 metres. It takes 30 minutes to rotate once. LONDON EYE.
Read and match
The Tower
The Houses of
The Tower of

Look at the screen and say what is it? The task is to guess the name of sightseeing of London.
1.Big Ben.
2.Buckingham Palace.
3.Westminster Abbey.
4. The Tower of London.
5.Trafalgar Square.
6. London Eye.
3rd Round
T: Tourists in London always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. You hear it every hour. It is a big bell. It weighs 13,720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio: “This is the BBC/ The time is six o’ clock.” And then you hear the deep boom of the Big Ben six times.
  • What do tourists want to see in London?
  • Is Big Ben really a clock?
  • How much does it weigh?
  • How often do you hear it?
Would you like to see Big Ben? Why?
4th Round
T: Real Englishmen begin their talks by discussion of weather so let’s describe  weather.
What is the weather like in London?
    • Is it sunny or cloudy?
    • Is it windy?
    • Is it warm or cold?
    • Is it rainy ?
На екрані фото «Tower Bridge» і текст, учні повинні відновити текст після дощу.
This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894. It is next to the Tower of London. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames. It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames.
5th Round
Перегляд відеофрагменту.
Look at the screen and write in order sights of London.
10.St. Paul's Cathedral.
9.Trafalgar Square
8.Double Decker bus
7.Thames river cruise
6.Govent garden
5.Tower London
4.London Bridge
3.Houses of Parliament
2.Buckingham Palace
1.London Eye
6rd Round
Next task is an individual for every member of the team. You should choose the appropriate words.
1. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English; b) French; c) Russian; d) Chinese.
2. Big Ben is …
a) a clock; b) a horse; c) an animal in the zoo; d) a famous name.
3. The oldest part of London is …
  1. The City; b)Westminster; c)East End; d)West End.
4. Great Britain is divided into …
a) three parts; b) five parts; c) four parts; d) two parts.
5. what is the Tower of London now?
a) a prison; b) a museum; c) a house; d) a fortress.
6. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is  …
a) the Tower of London; b) the White House; c) the Windsor palace; d) the Buckingham Palace.
7. What can you see in Trafalgar square?
a) Nelson statue; b) King memorial; c) Queen memorial; d) Michael Gorbachev memorial.
8. What is Queen’s name of UK?
  1. Margaret Thatcher;
  2. Elisabeth II;
  3. Ekaterina II;
  4. Maria.
III. Заключна частина
    1. Підведення підсумків та рефлексія.
T.: Today we travelled around Great Britain. So, tell me please:
  • What is the full name of the country?
  • How many parts does UK have?
  • Were you attentive?
  • What round did you like most of all?
  • How do you think UK better than Ukraine? Why?
  • Do you want to visit this country after our game?
Dear children! Today we have travelled on London.  I’d like to say it was interesting and unforgettable. You worked hard and I’m satisfied with your answers. I am going to give you only excellent and good marks. Thanks for hard work. We have made around the world tour. How did you find it?
The lesson is over .Good-bye till I see you again!

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